Allergen Labeling

FALCPA (Food Allergy Labeling & Consumer Protection Act) requires the disclosure of all major allergens. Proper allergen labeling and naming is required, and FDA has recently added Sesame to their list.

Allergens such as Tree nuts must be identified by the type of nut (almonds, cashews, etc.) and peanuts are identified separately because they are not tree nuts.

Fish is a major allergen and must be identified by the Acceptable Market Name (species such as salmon, cod, etc.) according to FALCPA requirements.

Spelt, kamut, and many other grains are considered wheat and must be noted as such to maintain proper allergen labeling.

The ingredient “Whey” does not indicate that it is made from the allergen “milk”, therefore triggering the need for a “contains” statement immediately below the ingredient statement.

FDA’s requirements are not as expansive as the approach most manufacturers have taken with their allergen declarations. We will advise as to what the options are for allergen labeling.